Tecnopolo di Parma – Università di Parma

The Parma Technopole

House of industrial innovation

The Parma Technopole is a contemporary building in the park of the Sciences and Technologies Campus of the University of Parma, which manages it.

The Technopole offices and laboratories are within short walking distance of the scientific-technological departments of the University and close to some of areas intended to be used by companies for their research and development activities: thus, innovative ideas can more easily become new products, new services and new processes.

Targa all'ingresso del Tecnopolo di Parma

Within the Technopole there are industrial research laboratories with state-of-the-art skills and equipment and offices in charge of technology transfer services aimed at supporting enterprises in their innovation projects (Welcome Office and technology transfer offices of the University of Parma).

There are also some partner companies that, at the Temporary Labs, carry out research with support provided by the University.

Scientific macro-areas of expertise

Turn to the Technopole to design solutions in the following sectors:

sicurezza e tecnologie alimentari, packaging, automazione, energiae e ambiente, scienze della vita, medicina traslazionale

Furthermore, the Technopole provides orientation and access to all the skills and services available in the High Technology Network of Emilia-Romagna: the network consists of industrial research laboratories and innovation centres, it brings together academic institutions and public and private research centres based in the region to provide skills, equipment and resources to the productive system.

Support to startups

Research generates new enterprises

Special attention is given to students and researchers that intend to start a new business project from their scientific career.

The Technopole Welcome Office, in cooperation with the Parma Area S3 desk, provides potential startuppers with first orientation and puts them in contact with the most suitable competence centres within the High Technology Network of Emilia-Romagna.

The most promising projects shall be directed to the competitions for business ideas, such as Emilia-Romagna Start Cup, and to the most interesting opportunities at a local, national and international level.

The Technopole activities supporting startups are carried out in coordination with the Regional Entrepreneurship Lab, a project of the Emilia-Romagna Region financed with the European Social Fund, and in connection with other initiatives of the University aimed at supporting the creation and development of innovative enterprises by students and researchers (Parma Food Business Incubator, Parma Elab, Le Village, Laboratorio Simulimpresa etc.).

Parma E-Lab

PARMA E-LAB was born with the intention of enhancing the entrepreneurial culture of the younger generations by offering spaces and services that allow you to develop your business idea starting from the results of industrial research.
The project, supported by the Emilia-Romagna Region as part of the Regional Laboratory for Entrepreneurship and by the European Social Fund, has financed the following research grants at the University of Parma:

BatNet – Control network for innovative ion battery systems (1 grant – coordinator prof. Daniele Pontiroli, Dept. of Mathematical and Physical Sciences).
EcoHPP-Pack – Study and application of high pressure treatment on innovative eco-sustainable packaging to ensure safety, quality and long shelf life of food products (2 grants – coordinator Prof. Giuseppe Vignali, Centro Cipack)

P-TERAN – Design and synthesis of PNA for new THErapeutic approaches based on the targeting of Nucleic Acids (1 grant – coordinator prof. Roberto Corradini, Dept. Chemical, Life and Environmental Sustainability Sciences)
Spray4Pack – Innovative, edible and biodegradable material deriving from agri-food by-products for application in the packaging and food supplements sector, with a view to circular economy and waste reduction (1 check – coordinator Prof. Claudio Corradini, Dept. Chemical Sciences , Life and Environmental Sustainability)

SUV.T (Solid Ultra Violet Treatment) – construction of systems for the surface microbiological abatement of solid food by UV irradiation (2 grants – coordinators prof. Erasmo Neviani and Roberto Montanari, Centro Cipack)

The PARMA E-LAB project, thanks to the support of the technology transfer services of the University and the Technopole and in connection with the regional offices and ART-ER, provides for training interventions to strengthen management and managerial skills and opportunities and accompanying services in progress and tutoring, as well as actions to support and accompany the market.

Parma Food Business incubator

With a budget of almost 1.6 million euros, 1 of which from a regional contribution, the Parma Food Business Incubator will be built on the Science and Technology Campus, in the “Barchessa” of the Campagne farm, near the future headquarters of the School of Higher Studies in Food and Nutrition. It will be a perfectly complementary infrastructure to the University Food Project and in strong continuity with the industrial research activities of the Parma Technopole, easily reachable on foot from the incubator.
Temporary offices will be created to host 6 or 7 start-ups at the same time in order to encourage, also from the point of view of logistical and instrumental support, the exchange of knowledge and experience between companies and universities, simultaneously encouraging the development of new technological and innovative companies in the agri-food sector.

Rooms and events to trigger innovation

Briefing con Mario Tozzi prima dell'assemblea dei Giovani Imprenditori GIA 2019

A large multipurpose room can be accessed directly from the entrance hall of the Technopole: it can be used to hold meetings, courses, workshops and other small events.

For larger events, the Technopole can rely on the conference facilities and classrooms of the Sciences and Technologies Campus of the University of Parma.

To propose an event or request the use of the multipurpose room, contact the Welcome Office.

The regional funds supporting the Technopole

The Parma Technopole is supported by the Emilia-Romagna Region with resources of the Regional Operational Plan of the European Regional Development Fund (ROP ERDF) and Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione (FSC):

Would you like to talk about your innovation needs with us?

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